K9AY KIT COMMENTS FROM Dick Goodall, W7UDH This kit is a gem that deserves to be more widely known about. It contains the antenna switching card and a preamp card that you need in order to make a K9AY terminated loop receiving antenna. These are used mainly on 160 meters, although it can be useful on 80 and 40 meters also. The kits is quite complete, and contains all the electronic components that go on the boards. All you have to add is packaging and controls. So it is quite worthwhile for the antenna switching assembly alone. You also get a preamp card. It has a standard 2N3866 preamp circuit, similar to the preamp in my K2, and this is preceded by an elegant high-pass/low-pass filter that provides rejection of localbroadcast interference. The filter is constructed with surface-mount components. The cutoff of the low-pass filter is about 4 MHz, so you could use the filter onboth 80 and 160 meters. There were a couple rough edges: our preamp card had a shorted land near T1, but I think this has been corrected since then. Also, the documentation shipped with the kit shows the relays that select the antenna terminating resistance, K3, K4, K5, controlled with a single-pole rotary switch. I think the original intent was that these should be controlled with toggle switches so you can get 8 different values of terminating resistance by selecting various combinations of the binary-weighted resistors.The K9AY loop with our switcher and preamp was used in the 160 meter contests lastwinter, and has become quite indispensable. I couldn't get along without it now.
Handbook 30 A RF Proof Power Supply I have two of these boards in use and am very pleased with them. One of them is in use in a dedicated power supply for a Motorola Micor 110 watt base station on the 6 meter FM band. The other one is in use in a 30-amp bench power supply. The design is sort of dated by today's standards, but it still works and is very well suited for powering transmitting equipment. I'm getting ready to build a 2 meter base station using a 100 watt Motorola Micor, and I like these power supplies so much I didn't even look for a more "modern" power supply design. The biggest challenge is finding a humongous power transformer that can handle 30-40 amps at 18-20 volts! WB0LDJ
ROCK-BENDING RECEIVERFOR 7MHZ (QST Aug95) I try useing your feedback email and it bounced back.the rock bending receiver is bending just great.Very nice board with only 2 issues I seen.r4 isn't mark on the layout and r12 has no place to mount.it comes off the audio output to c18.but c18 goes direct to pin 5 of the lm386.seems to work without it.Still great boards.small issues just keep me focused. listen to robert in italy.thanks alot for the boards.will buy again. David Davidson
QST JUNE 1994 FIELD DAY BAND PASS FILTER Steve Larson WW3Y mentioned that you were interested in hearing how our bandpassfilters turned-out. He was so impressed with the ones our team built that he decided to build two more for himself...You may recall that I bought two circuit boards from you a few months back, and thenstopped-by your trailer to introduce myself to you at Dayton Hamvention this past Spring. The two filters from the Switched Bandpass Filter article published on pages 32 - 36 of June 1994 QST that I built with the circuit board from FAR Circuits worked fantastic. We tested the filters at Field Day this year in preparation for using them for a DXpedition to Zone 2 for the CQWW SSB contest in October and were very pleased with the results. I highly recommend them to DXers or contesters operating in an "RF dense"environment such as Field Day or a milti-multi contesting situation. They significantly cut-down on cross-band splatter, intermod and desensing. In every respect the filters worked as good or better than those offered by ICE (http://arraysolutions.com/Products/wx0bbpf6.htm ) and were able to be built withbrand new components for about 25% of the cost of the commercially made version. We tested the filter's performance by switching our homebrew filters in- and -out of circuit with the comparable ICE product. Total cost for the home brew version was around $70, everything included. The commercial version from ICE costs around $289! PC board quality was excellent, construction was relatively easy electronically, butrequired quite a bit of manual dexterity and soldering skills. There are some additional construction notes below in a reply I sent to Steve earlier this afternoon. Also, there are some photos are attached of one of the units I built. Feel free to include them along with the PDF file of the article on your website. And a final note. Our DXpedition team is getting ready for activating Zone 2 again this year for CQWW SSB and are looking for sponsors. Visit our website and take a look around -- http://www.wix.com/andyvavra/VE2DXY -- and especially check-out our DXpedition video that is posted on YouTube -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg_AKj_UMnY -- I think you'll get a kick out of it. We are looking forward to the bandpass filters built wth parts from FAR Circuits helping cut down the splatter from our sister stations. 73 de Andy Vavra, KD3RF / VE2DXY
QRPp TIXIE KEYER WITH SIDETONEI built the "TIXIE" for 80M using the board and schematic from FAR Circuits, aTICK-4 chip from Embedded Research, and parts from Mouser. Construction was uneventful, took about an hour. It helped to have built two Pixie IIs Manhattan style before. I used a PN2222a PA instead of the specified 2N3053, wound L2 on a toroid, added a small trimmer near the crystal socket, besides the specified RIT trimmer, to swing transmit frequency about 2kHz. Had one snag caused by a cold solder joint at L1. Rig puts out 350mW at 12VDC supply, about 1/2 that with 9VDC supply. You can use me as a reference, just please don't broadcast my e-mail address. Curt, KB5JO
QST Nov, 1995 4-WAY DFer You asked for feedback from builders who previously used FAR Circuit boards.In late 1995 or early 1996, I ordered the boards from FAR Circuits to buildthe 4 Way DFer, by Malcom Malette, described in November 1995 QST.The boards were of very high quality and the project went together easily.The unit worked the first time I fired it up and I had a lot of funparticipating in fox hunt events in the Tampa, FL area. Based on myexperience, I would highly recommend FAR circuits.Al Sanders, WD4A
I not saying I am perfect "REMOTE BASE STATION CONTROLLER USING THE BASIC STAMP BY HANSEN" Hello, Jim Devenport W5AOX I have assembled the project from May 1998 QST and find it to be an easily-assembled board and it works very well, thank you. I have used it as-is, and modified it several times to suit my personal fancy, all within a few days. But the board and circuit works fine, as advertised. As a matter of fact I will be ordering another identical board in another day or so, along with a couple other project boards that attract my attention.I also find you to be very accommodating. When confusion arose over another unmarked board that was shipped with my order, the correct board arrived, unheralded but appreciated, within only another day or so. Thanks......
From: W B 8 D G K (BOB) I have built a number of the projects that appear in qst the hand book and w1fb's qrp note books.and all worked flawlessly,the specs wereas predicted or better.some of the projects include "a vxo-controlled transmitter ,a high performance communications receiver by w7zoi(of which i have three versions one for 40 ,80&75,40 thru 17 meters all are excellent .also a number of vfo 's all of which are very stable . i guess what i am trying to say is that i am very happy with the out comes.so when you hear me on signing wb8dgk/8 i am portable and am useing home brew tnx to far circuits .these comments are unsolicited,and i recommend far circuits to anyone who is looking to build ,wether qrp or whatever floats your boat.plse feel free to use this note as you see fit . 73'S
QST 7/94 NULL STEERER AMP I was about to order a pre-amp board for the Michaels Null-Steerer when I realized I already had the board. I'd forgotten that the unit I built wasn't entirely "home brew"! I am pleased to say that my Null-Steerer works very well indeed, outperforming, in fact, a well-known commercial offering. de VE7QH
HR Oct85 ADD GENERAL COVERAGE TO YAESUS' VHF-UHF REC I purchased 2 of these boards from you in the early 90's and had no problems whatsoever. The boards were laid out very good and were a welcomed option for my receiver and a friends. Feel free to use me as a reference. I had recently sold the converter on ebay and it brought a very high dollar. Thanks WA8RCarl, K9LA, has noted that 15 nH is awfully small for the input inductors
QEX Jan/Feb.'04 L3 and L4 in the Tanikguchi 40-meter amplifier. He suspected, rightly, that they should be 15 uH coils. The marked part number is TKENS T1045 00429, which allowing for a slight nomenclature change, is a .15 microhenry part from TOKO, as show by Digikey.
Proto Type Service I have had you build several boards for me in the past. I must say that the service was very good. I sent the artwork to you as a printout from a lazer printer. The artworks were generated with pcb design software. For normal none fine line geometery this process worked fine. As I enjoy Ham radio, your service is a great value. Thanks, John WA0BNZ
Continuously Variable Bandwidth Audio Filter This kit was a pleasure to build and works great. I was impressed with FarCircuits quality and service. I have no reservations about purchasing another project from Far Circuits.Dave, KN6HF
A Pic SWR Meter by Bert Kelly, AA4FB This is an extremely useful and satisfying project to build. Because of its very visual display I can tell in an instant if I am having antenna problems. I am sending you a check today for another set of boards. Kim, KC0JQH
Doppler to RS-232 Interface PCB For the IC's contact Electronix Express. http://www.elexp.com/ics_4412.htm Since The AY-3-1015D runs $11.95 and the AY-5-8116 runs $7.95 the total was $20.90 which makes the minimum. I was the first one to find the FOX on Sunday with the Doppler. Also found another ham with a stuck mic on Saturday. He had the local repeater tied up since 10:30 AM Saturday. They had to shut it down until we found him. I got the call at 2:00 pm and found him about 20 miles away in less than 40 minutes. The other hams had over a 3 hour head start and I still beat them to the offender.If this interface works well, and we can link 2 or three Doppler's via. de K4EME
QST August '04 CODE PLAYER from AC7ZR, " I would like you to know I have purchased from you 4 P C Boards and programmed SX28 for the 'CODE PLAYER' all of whick are working very nicely"
From Bill N7UE: By far the most difficult part of homebrewing is the fabrication of circuit boards. Your business provides the home builder with a professional circuit board to build homebrewed equipment. Having a board goes a long way to getting projects done.
Audio Breakout Box and LUTZ Decoder Just finished building the "Aud(o Breakout Box" with great results. Also built several "Litz" boards (Nov. 1992 QST) several years ago. These are boards still available. Charles Coulter K9MZN
Subject: FEEDBACK Sierra Norcal I have built two sierra norcals since 2003, using your circuit boards. I simply made certain that I soldered above and below the board when it was necessary. I built my own enclosure with double-sided PC material, so I could place the holes where I needed for the controls.I did have trouble with the individual band module PC boards at first, but I can now get them to cooperate. I think it is the fact that the leads do not match up well with the buss into which the module is inserted.Both rigs are running fine.My REAL problems, both builds were in the RF final section where I did not have an inductor wire properly scraped and soldered. (This has been the single greatest problem on all RF projects I have built; it goes with the territory.) I did have a vexing solder bridge in the area of Q1/R2/R3. When I found it, things cleared up immediately. It is a bit difficult to get hold of the tuning CAP C54. Particularly, the step drive for the tuning cap. Bill Hopkins AA2YV