ARRL HB 93 CHP 27 FIG 22 95HB FIG.11.32
Description: This is a variable voltage and adjustable current limit power supply project. The current limiting is switch delectable for .1A, .5A or 2.5 A current limiting. The circuitry provides for a DVM to monitor the output voltage or current. The project uses two 2N3055 pass transistors, a 723 regulator IC and a third 2N3005 with a 33v zener per 723regulator
ARRL HB 88-94 CHP 27 FIG. 5
This is a project for a voltage regulated 13.8 volt 5A power supply. The circuitry consists of a LC output and uses an LM301 OP Amp for feedback with a 6.8 V zener as the reference. The pass transistor is a 2N3790 and requires heat sinking. The pc board mounts all the parts except the power transformer, pass transistor and the four rectifiers in a bridge configuration. This is not a true switching power supply
ARRL HB 88-94 CHP 27 FIG 18 95HB FIG. 11.5
Description: This is a 28v voltage regulated, current limited 27 volt 10A power supply designed for 100 to 150 watt RF power amplifiers that require a 28 VDC supply. The circuitry uses a LM317L to drop the voltage down to a UA723 regulator. A control is provided for voltage adjustment. The design uses five 2N3055 pass transistors. The board mounts the 317 and the 723 and associated parts. The same board can also be changed very easily to make a 12 volt 10 A power supply. This is one on the simplest designs for a 10A power supply that will provide both good regulation and current limiting.
ARRL HB 88-94 CHP 27 FIG 72
Description: The board for this project mounts the diodes, and equalization capacitors and resistors in a full wave bridge configuration for a 2000V, 1 amp power supply. Five diodes are used in each leg of the bridge.
QST Dec98/Jan99
Description: This is a true switching power supply that rectifies the input line AC voltage and switches the DC into a transformer at 25KHz. BUH1215 transistors and a LM3524 switching power supply controller IC are used. The three transformers and chokes are wound on cores available from Amidon, Thompson, Phillips, or TDK. A complete description on how to wind the transformers and chokes is described in the article.
QEX Mar/Apr 99
Description: The is the PC Board for the project to build a 40-50VDC 8-7 Amp power supply to be used with 120 w HF FET power amplifier. The project features a regulated supply with over current, over-voltage and short circuit protection. The power transformer is available from W9YZ, model #AV-574 ( Avatar Magnetics, 240 Tramara Tr., Indianapolis, In. 46217) The circuit uses 5 2N3772 pass transistors, a LM317 regulator, 3 2N2222 transistors, an RS 276-1067 SCR, three MPS2222, and a 100v PIV 25A bridge rectifier. The circuit could be easily adapted to high voltages with a different input transformer.
Description: This is a project for a 28 volt, 10 amp power supply. It uses four 2n3055 as pass transistors, one 2n3055 for driver and a 723 regulator. A 317L regulator is used to reduce the voltage to a safe level for the 723. This project can also make a nice 10 amp 12 volt power supply by deleting the 713, re-size R8 and R10, as shown on page 11.36. . The crowbar circuit using the MC3423 and RCA SK6502 SCR has been laid out on an additional p c board.
Description: These boards are good for building a high voltage power supply for a high power RF amplifier or for rebuilding a power supply for an amplifier. The voltage doubler board uses two 6KV rectifiers #hv6-1, (8) 450uF, 450wvdc capacitors with 3W equalizing resistors and a 10W glitch resistor on the B+ side. The board is 6" by 4 7/8". The large power supply board has bridge rectifier with (5) diodes per side, (10) 450uF 450 WVDC capacitors in series with equalizing resistors and two 10W glitch resistors in parallel on the B+. The board is 11 7/8" by 4 3/4". The smaller power supply board has a bridge rectifier with (4) diodes per side and (6) 450uF 450 WVDC capacitors in series with equalizing. There is no glitch resistor on this board. The size is 5" by 4.5". See Bill Smith's web site for additional information and sources for theparts.
LARGE 4000 V POWER SUPPLY BOARD Designation description part number C1-C10 470 uF 450 WVDC CDE 381LX470M450A052 EET-HC2W471E CDE381LQ471M450A452 ECO-S2WP471EX R1-R10 100K 5W MOUSER 286-100k DIODES 2.5A 1000V MOUSER 83-FR257 3 A 1000V FUJI SIMI. ESJA04-03A 3 A 1000V GENERAL SINI. 1N5408GICT R24 TWO GLITCH RESISTORS 20 OHM 20 WATT SMALL 2400V POWER SUPPLY BOARD C1-C6 470 uF 450 WVDC CDE 381LX470M450A052 EET-HC2W471E CDE381LQ471M450A452 ECO-S2WP471EX R1-R6 100K 5W MOUSER 286-100k D1-D16 2.5A 1000V MOUSER 83-FR257 3 A 1000V FUJI SIMI. ESJA04-03A 3 A 1000V GENERAL SINI. 1N5408GICT 3200V DOUBLER POWER SUPPLY BOARD C1-C8 470 uF 450 WVDC CDE 381LX470M450A052 EET-HC2W471E CDE381LQ471M450A452 ECO-S2WP471EX R1-R8 100K 5W MOUSER 286-100k D1-D2 DIODE 6KV #HV6-1 GLITCH RESISTOR 20 OHM 10 W K5AND 4800V POWER SUPPLY BOARD C1-C12 470 uF 450 WVDC CDE 381LX470M450A052 EET-HC2W471E CDE381LQ471M450A452 ECO-S2WP471EX D1-D21 2.5A 1000V MOUSER 83-FR257 3 A 1000V FUJI SIMI. ESJA04-03A 3 A 1000V GENERAL SINI. 1N5408GICT R1-R12 56K 6W WIRE WOUND DALE SILICON RESISTOR RATER1KV R13-19 1M 2W PRECISION HV RESISTOR R20 10K R22 25 OHM 50 WATT WIRE WOUND MOUNTER ON STAND-OFFS
Description: See Steve Webber's web site at
Description: See
Description: The power supply has 13.2v output with load sensing and over current protection. The circuit uses a BC184 NPN transistor, six 2N3055 pass transistors, and a 723 regulator. The project is available at
Description: FAR Circuits has laid out a pc board for this project. The project uses 78 and 79 series regulators and one 317 for +15, +12, +5, 0-20, -5, -12, and &endash;15 voltage sources.