DESCRIPTION: The 8 channel single board logic analyzer connectors to the computer parral portthe circuits uses (3) 74HCT245, CV7C109B and ATF1506AS. Project files are at
Description: This is a simple project to measure the Q and inductance of coils. A low-level RF signal is generated using a LC Hartley oscillator. The RF voltage is measured across the unknown L and a calibrated capacitor that indicates the resonance of the LC combination. There is a full size calibrated dial scale to read the inductance shown in the article. The unit is built with four frequency ranges: 22.13 MHz, 7 MHz, 2.21 MHz, and 700KHz. The circuit uses (4) 2N5486 or 2N5484 JFETs and a 2N3866 transistor.
The TLV2472AIP is a replacement for the -IP version. A suitable part for C4 and C9 10uF is the Panasonic ECE-A1CKK100, Digi-Key PN P965-ND. This is a 16 VDC,10 uF cap. D1 - D6 should be labeled 1N4148. The PN for C6 & C7 should be BC1009CT-ND, a 47 pF capacitor. The PN for R1, R2, R3, R7 should be 20KEBK-ND. P1 should be a DB-25; Digi-Key A2045-ND might be suitable. The schematic shows the connections from header P1 to the DB-25 parallel port connector on the computer. The labels on the headers shown on the schematic (P1 - P4) are not the same as on the board. The correspondence is: P1=JP1, P2=JP4, P3=JP2, P4=JP3. NOTE THE BOARD IS DOUBLE SIDED WITH OUT PLATED THROUGH HOLES, THUS REQUIRING SOLDERING ON THE COMPONENT SIDE
QST Dec87 (ARRL HB CHP25 FIG.74) (ALSO FIG.65.2)
Description: The noise bridge, sometimes referred to as Antenna noise bridge or Rx noise bridge measures the impedance of an antenna or other electrical circuits in the 1.8 to 30 MHz range. This article was originally featured in the August 1989 QST. The circuit consists of three parts: a noise generator (6.8V zener), Bridge circuit (a ferrite binocular core wound coil), and an audio source (NEE) to enhance the null detection. A receiver is required for the detector.
73's Jul93
Description: This is a simple audio function generatTHE 73s JUL93or that covers a 100 to 10KHz frequency range and produces a square wave, sine wave, or a triangle wave output. The output level is adjustable. The circuit uses 555, LM324 and 7905 ICs.
73's Jan 00
Description: This is an AF function generator from 25 to 25,000Hz. with sine, square and triangular wave output. The circuit uses TL082, 2N3819, and 2N2222. The PC board is 5" x 3".
QST Mar 00
Description: This is a small board to mount the Regulator, U1 and the resistors.
73's Nov00
Description: This circuit provides an A/D for your present analog meter and a digital LED readout of 0.00 to 99.9. Circuit uses CA3161, CA3162, (3) 2N3906, and (3) MAN3620A LED displays. The project has two PC boards.
QST Dec00
Description: This is a unique one LED display counter that scrolls through the digits and is equivalent to an 8 digit display counter with 30 MHz bandwidth and 10 Hz resolution. The mini-kit consists of a PC Board, Programmed PIC, crystal, seven segment LED display, and instructions. The board only is available for $4.00.
QST Sep01
Description: The digital meter supply is designed to power one or two LCD 3 1/2 digital panel meters. The circuits uses two LM358 IC, two 2N4401 transistors and 7810 regulator. The board measures 4"x2.5"
DESCRIPTION: Details for the DVM project can be found at
Description: This is the 8 step attenuator for Fox hunting or general test equipment signal attenuator with 50 ohms in/out. The pre cut circuits boards are routed and ready to solder together to assemble the housing for the attenuator, just need to add resistors and switches. The attenuator step positions are three 20 db, 10 db, 5 db, 3 db, 2 db and 1 db steps.
W6LSN says: Project takes lots of patience as to be a successful project. It is necessarily very compact. All parts supplied by FAR fit perfectly for the main housing. I had to modify the cover as the holes did not line up with the nuts no matter where I soldered them to the box. Works as Advertised!
QEX Jan/Feb00
Description: Project details can be found at
Description: The circuit uses TLO84 (Available from FAR Circuits) 2-2n3904s and 1-2n3906 transistors. The board is 2.75" by 2.125"
QST May03
Description: This is a Fet "Grid DIP Meter" covering the range of 440 Khz to 160 Mhz. The project uses (3) MPF102, 2N3904 and 2N2907, and a 0-200uA meter.
QEX Jul/Aug03
Description: This project uses 5 PC boards, double sided but not plated through. This circuit combines a digital storage scope and logic analyzer to interface to a computer via the parallel port.
QST Oct98
Description: This is a board for programming the pic 16F84 from the serial port of a computer.
JAN 23, 2007